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Here you will get to know about some best freelancing sites in India.


In the 21st century we do not really need to hard work in order to earn great, all we need is a great amount of talent with a magic of smart work. The freelancing sites are providing us with that essentially required magic. These sites let us work with our pace and ease without much commitments and long term agreements with the employers. The employees find these sites particularly “cool” and a great platform to unleash their talents and earn money without wasting much of their efforts. All of this comes together with a payment assurance.

在21世纪,我们真的不需要辛勤工作就能赚大钱,我们所需要的只是大量具有聪明才智的人才。 自由职业者站点为我们提供了基本必需的魔术。 这些站点使我们能够轻松自如地工作,而无需与雇主达成太多承诺并达成长期协议。 员工发现这些站点特别“酷”,并且是释放才华和赚钱而又不浪费大量精力的绝佳平台。 所有这些都带有付款保证。

Also, what could be better even from the employer’s prospective? You are getting variety of talented individuals to choose from and multiple portfolios are just one click away. All you need to do is: click on one and get the complete information about the employee and then compare with as many other employees as you wish and finally select according to your job requirements.

另外,即使从雇主的角度来看,还有什么会更好? 您可以从各种各样的才华横溢的人中进行选择,只需单击一下即可找到多个投资组合。 您需要做的是:单击一个,获得有关该员工的完整信息,然后根据需要与其他雇员进行比较,最后根据您的工作要求进行选择。

This perfect employee – employer’s chemistry is making the freelancing sites a big hit. Here are the top freelancing sites in India which are giving a boost to the easy employment procedure.

这位完美的员工–雇主的化学作用正在使自由职业者网站大受好评。 以下是印度顶级的自由职业者所在地,这些场所促进了简易就业程序的发展。

Best Freelancing Sites in India

印度5个最佳自由职业网站 (5 Best Freelancing Sites in India)

1.加班 (1. Upwork)

Initiated with the idea of two friends creating business and make it flourish around the globe, the UPWORK is now one of the world’s leading freelancing sites. It is providing millions of jobs with people earning more than $1 billion per year. The site provides a range of employment opportunities; from tech geeks (for web and mobile app development) to creative writers (for content writing, SEO etc.) not just these, there are many other fields like graphic design and admin help etc. on which you can get to work on and earn good money. The companies like Panasonic, Unilever etc. lend this site a good employer reputation, which is really alluring.

UPWORK最初是由两个朋友创造业务并使其在全球蓬勃发展的想法,现已成为全球领先的自由职业者网站之一。 它为年收入超过10亿美元的人们提供了数百万个就业机会。 该网站提供了一系列就业机会; 从技术极客(用于Web和移动应用程序开发)到创意作家(用于内容编写,SEO等),还有许多其他领域,例如图形设计和管理帮助等,您可以在这些领域上从事工作并赚钱好钱。 松下,联合利华等公司在该网站上享有良好的雇主声誉,这确实很诱人。

2.自由职业者 (2. Freelancer)

A big name amongst the freelancing sites in india, the freelancer gives way to the approach of placing easy bids and getting hired accordingly. The freelancer is working efficiently across around 247 countries, giving big employment opportunities to freelancers catering to the needs of writing and other variety of jobs. Once you get hired, you have ocean of opportunities as a freelancer, all you need to have is a good talent and ample patient to get stabilized as a freelancer.

自由职业者在印度的自由职业者网站中广为人知,它让位于简单的竞标和相应地被雇用的方法。 自由职业者在大约247个国家/地区有效工作,为满足写作和其他各种工作需求的自由职业者提供了大量就业机会。 一旦被录用,您将拥有作为自由职业者的无限商机,您所需要具备的就是出色的才能和足够的耐心来使自己成为自由职业者。

3. Truelancer (3. Truelancer)

This site aims at building a global community of freelancers who are ready to serve and work assuring full work satisfaction. Various contests are organized to let the budding freelancers show case themselves and get recognized so that they can easily increase their market value without much efforts or without any dependency on luck or on the employer’s mood. This feature of the site provides them with a good X-factor and a great opportunity to the freelancers for becoming well reputed employees.

该站点旨在建立一个自由职业者的全球社区,他们随时准备为服务和工作而确保充分的工作满意度。 组织了各种竞赛,以使崭露头角的自由职业者展示自己的情况并获得认可,从而使他们可以轻松地提高自己的市场价值,而无需付出太多努力,也无需依赖运气或雇主的情绪。 该站点的功能为他们提供了一个很好的X因子,并为自由职业者提供了一个成为知名员工的绝好机会。

4. Fiverr (4. Fiverr)

Founded in 2010, this site is a great platform for interactions among the employee and the employer over small businesses. It undoubtedly provides remarkable opportunities to entrepreneurs and starts ups which are currently not much recognized but definitely are in an urgent need of recognition. Well versed professionals find this an easy approach to get hired and find work easily. This also increases the versatility of the work available on the site. Apart from the popular and regular tech or writing savvy jobs, this also provides great fun and lifestyle related employment opportunities.

该网站成立于2010年,是员工与雇主之间通过小型企业进行互动的绝佳平台。 无疑,它为企业家和初创企业提供了巨大的机会,这些机会目前尚不被广泛认可,但绝对需要得到认可。 精通专业的人士发现,这是一种容易获得录用和轻松找到工作的方法。 这也增加了网站上可用工作的多功能性。 除了流行和常规的技术或撰写精明的工作,这还提供了与娱乐和生活方式相关的绝佳就业机会。

5.工作 (5. WorknHire)

Work n hire is a simple and easily accessible and easy to understand site for the freelancers and the employers, its simplicity makes it desirable. There are no complex terminologies used for hiring or getting hired. On top of that, as an icing on the cake, it also provides good employment opportunities for the Indian employees, which makes it quite popular in India as the people find it quite native to their work style.

雇用工作对于自由职业者和雇主来说是一个简单易用且易于理解的网站,它的简单性使其很可取。 招聘或录用没有复杂的术语。 最重要的是,它为蛋糕锦上添花,也为印度员工提供了良好的就业机会,这使其在印度非常流行,因为人们发现它非常适合自己的工作风格。

The above mentioned sites are gaining great popularity among the Indian freelancers owing to the ample work opportunities they are providing with ease of access (as already discussed). After getting signed up for these sites, you can easily receive notifications according to your preferences right in your mail account. This approach simplifies a major task for the freelancers: “the task of short listing jobs for themselves.”

上面提到的网站因其提供的便捷工作机会而获得了印度自由职业者的极大欢迎(如上所述)。 注册这些网站后,您可以直接在您的邮件帐户中根据自己的喜好接收通知。 这种方法简化了自由职业者的一项主要任务:“为自己列出职位空缺的任务。”

Do let us know in the comment section if we missed any other popular and best freelancing sites in India.





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